THOMB Raises £3,189.69 for Special Effect Charity
Every single year, F1 releases its F1 Manager game title and with it comes a lot of interest and hype around the game's launch.
This year, I decided I wanted to use the launch hype of the game to raise awareness and money for a charity close to heart called SpecialEffect, who help physically disabled gamers to enjoy playing games which often gets perceived as normal by those without physical disabilities.
The event was a huge success, streaming over 26 hours while fundraising within only 4 days (my voice needs some rest now, haha), being viewed over 140,000 times. My community managed to raise a staggering amount of £3,189.69.
The power of social media to unite and do good is unimaginable and I'm so proud to have been able to utilise my platform to drive positive change while fundraising for SpecialEffect.